Learn How to Access the Akashic Records: 

A Workshop by Joan Varini

Sunday June 30th 1-3 pm
at Souly Holistic
Raleigh, NC

Are you interested in learning more about the Akashic Records and how you can access this limitless field of information for yourself? 

‘Akasha’ in Sanskrit means ether, or the material that informs all of physical existence. When we channel the Akashic Records, we access a dimensional plane where, in a sense, all information is stored. 

Through this workshop we will learn the practices that will help us access the records with greater accuracy and efficiency. We will learn how to hone into our extra sensory listening skills, trust our intuition and how to start and end our sessions in the records in a safe and loving way. At the end of the workshop Joan will give a group Akashic Reading. 

The only prerequisite for this workshop is an open mind and heart.

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